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All Thyroid Profile Tests

Thyroid Profile Price Starts from ₹298

Jaanch thyroid function tests (TFT) by Thyrocare

Details of Thyroid Profiles and Tests

Thyroid Profile Basic (Basic Thyroid Function Test Panel)

Also Known as:Thyroid Function Tests, TFF, T3-T4-TSH, TFT Profile, Thyroid Panel Basic, Basic TFT Profile, Basic Thyroid Tests, Thyroid Hormone Tests, Thyroid Blood Tests, Thyroid Jaanch Profile
Offer Price:₹360
Profile Composition:Basic TSH, T3, and T4
Sample Type:Blood
Sample Quantity:3 ml
Fasting:Not required
Reporting TAT:Depending upon your location it may be a minimum 10 hours to maximum 36 hours
Home Collection:Available
Home Collection Cost:Home Collection is Free for a total order value above ₹350. For order value bellow ₹350, there will be a service charge at ₹200.
Pros:Very low cost and 33% discount
Home collection available
NABL accredited lab
Cons:Does not include Ultrasensitive TSH.
Due to absence of ultrasensitive TSH, report accuracy can be up to 97% only.
Old Technology
Due to very low order value, home collection charge is applicable
(Information on the Basic Thyroid Profile)

Thyroid Profile Ultrasensitive (3rd Generation): High Accuracy Thyroid Tests

Also Known as:Ultra-sensitive Thyroid Function Tests, TFF 3rd Generation, T3-T4-USTSH Profile 3rd Gen Latest, High Accuracy TFT Profile, Thyroid Panel Ultra-sensitive with High Accuracy Reporting, Ultra TFT , US Thyroid Tests, 3rd Gen Thyroid Hormone Tests, High Accuracy Thyroid Blood Tests, Jaanch Thyroid Profile
Offer Price:₹360
Profile Composition:Ultrasensitive TSH, Total T3, and Total T4
Sample Type:Blood
Sample Quantity:3 ml
Fasting:Not required
Reporting TAT:Depending upon your location it may be a minimum 10 hours to maximum 36 hours
Home Collection:Available
Home Collection Cost:Free (₹0)
Pros:Low cost and heavy discount
Free home collection available
Cut-edge latest technology
Utmost Accuracy of reports
NABL accredited lab
Cons:In a few locations TAT is higher
Does not cover Free T3 and Free T4
(Information on the Basic Thyroid Profile)

Jaanch Complete Thyroid Profile

Also Known as:Free and Total Thyroid Panel, Thyroid Panel – Free and Total, All Thyroid Function Profile, Advanced Thyroid Profile
Offer Price:₹499
Profile Composition:Free T3 (FT3), Free T4 (FT4)Ultrasensitive TSH, Total T3, and Total T4
Sample Type:Blood
Sample Quantity:3 ml
Fasting:Not required
Reporting TAT:12 hours to 48 hours, it depends upon your location
Home Collection:Available
Home Collection Cost:Free (₹0)
Pros:All five thyroid function tests covered in a single panel
Very low cost
Flat 50% off
Free home collection
Cut-edge latest technology
Utmost Accuracy of reports
NABL accredited lab
Cons:In a few locations reporting hour is higher
(Information on the Basic Thyroid Profile)

Prices of Individual Thyroid Tests

Thyroid Test NameOffer PriceMRP
TSH Basic195200
TSH Ultrasensitive (High Accuracy)200300
T3 (Total)200220
T4 (Total)200220
FT3 (Free T3)260300
FT4 (Free T4)260300
Anti TPO11002000
TSH Receptor Antibody12402200
(How much a thyroid test cost?)

Know Your Thyroid Test

  1. What is a Thyroid Function Test?

    A Thyroid Function Test or a TFT may be a single or a group of blood tests that can provide necessary information on how your thyroid gland is working. Depending upon your symptoms and clinical history, the number of tests may varies.

  2. When do I need a thyroid function test?

    If you have symptoms like hair loss, weight loss or gain, mood swings, fatigues, depression, anxieties, or irregular menstrual periods, your doctor may ask you for a TFT. Besides, Thyroid tests are also part of routine preventive health checkup. During the thyroid function therapies, your doctor may ask you to go through a series of thyroid function tests in regular intervals.

  3. What is difference between a TSH basic test and a TSH ultrasensitive test?

    A TSH basic test assay is a very low sensitive test that can not ensure utmost accuracy and reliability of the test result. However, an ultrasensitive TSH test assay is highly sensitive to ensure best possible report accuracy and reliability.

  4. What is a complete thyroid test profile?

    A complete thyroid function test profile refers to a group of thyroid tests that cover all the thyroid function parameters both in free and total form. The profile covers Free T3 and Total T3, Free T4 and Total T4, along with Ultrasensitive TSH.

  5. What is an advanced thyroid profile?

    An advanced thyroid profile covers all the thyroid tests including from TSH Ultrasensitive to TSH receptor Antibody tests. Such a profile includes all total thyroid tests, all free thyroid tests, all thyroid antibody tests, as well as all thyroid autoimmunity tests. It is one of the best thyroid profile that we offer at a very low cost.

  6. Why should I prefer an ultrasensitive thyroid testing profile?

    Unlike the basic thyroid profile, the ultrasensitive thyroid testing profile ensure better report accuracy due the advanced and latest technology involved. We can not assure more than 97% report accuracy for a basis thyroid testing profile. But for an ultrasensitive profile, the report accuracy is more than 99%. Besides, there in a difference of only ₹50 between the offer price two thyroid test profiles. For all these reasons, we recommend ultrasensitive thyroid testing profile above the basic and conventional one.

  7. Can I get home collection service for a thyroid test near me?

    Near you, in more than 10,000 locations in India, we can provide test at home for all thyroid tests. So, there is more than 90% chance that you can get home service at your convenience.

  8. Is home collection service is free for a thyroid test in my city or town?

    Home collection service is free for order5 value above ₹300 in all serviceable locations in India. There are maximum chances that you can get free service for most of thyroid profile tests.

  9. Can I get same discounted price for thyroid tests if I visit a Thyrocare service center or lab near me?

    No, these discount offers are valid for online booking through only for home collection services. These offers may not be valid for an offline service by visiting a Thyrocare location near you.

  10. Are these offers and discounts on thyroid tests and profile will be valid after ab month?

    We can not assure the validity of offers and discounts even for the next day. Prices and offers may change at anytime without any prior notification.

  11. Why thyroid testing report by Thyrocare is so reliable?

    Thyrocare is India’s first fully automated labs and the World’s largest chain of pathological laboratories. More than 98% of Thyrocare labs are accredited by NABL The central processing lab of Thyrocare is also accredited by CAP for very high standard quality. Thyrocare is also known for excellency in thyroid tastings. The lab and associated facilities follows all the Standard Operating Proctoceles (SOP) of a world-class testing lab. Human error at a Thyrocare lab is can rarely happen. For all these reasons, the reports of thyroid tests by Thyrocare are highly reliable.

  12. Why should I book a thyroid test or profile through Healthcare Offers?

    The ‘Healthcare Offers’ platform can help you getting lower prices and better services for a thyroid or other test in India, irrespective of your city or location. Due to high customer base, we could minimize the prices for all blood tests. Therefore, you should prefer the ‘Healthcare Offer’ platform to book your blood tests than other online platforms.

  13. Can I add other blood tests with a thyroid profile or some thyroid function tests?

    You can add as much as tests you need with your thyroid function tests. There is no limitation. We offer all blood tests at very low cost.

  14. Can I get the ultrasensitive TFT profile in a full body checkup package?

    Yes, you cam. Above 99% of our full body checkup packages covers ultrasensitive Thyroid Function Test (TFT) profile. Less than 1% packages, although do not include the all three thyroid function tests, they, atleasst, comprise the ultrasensitive TSH test.

  15. Can I get the free thyroid function tests like the Free T3 (FT3) or Free T4 (FT4) in a full body checkup package?

    No, being special tests, these free thyroid tests do not make parts of full body checkup packages. The packages include the total thyroid tests only. However, you can add these special thyroid tests to your preferred package on paying the additional test cost.

Popular Packages that Covers Thyroid Function Tests (TFT)
