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Viral Marker Tests in Jamshedpur: Best Price

Viral Markers Test Panel Starts from ₹799 in Jamshedpur

Find the top viral marker panels and profiles in Jamshedpur with offer prices, MRP and test details.

Profile NameTest DetailsNo. of ParametersOffer PriceDiscount %MRP
Basic Viral Marker Panel RapidHIV I & II Rapid, HBSAg Rapid, and HCV Rapid3₹79943%₹1,400
Basic Viral Marker Panel ELISAHIV I & II ELISA, HBSAg ELISA, and HCV ELISA3₹1,19950%₹2,400
Basic Viral Marker Panel Rapid with VDRLHIV I & II Rapid, HBSAg Rapid, HCV Rapid, and VDRL Rapid4₹93546%₹1,550
Basic Viral Marker Panel ELISA with VDRLHIV I & II ELISA, HBSAg ELISA, HCV ELISA, and VDRL RPR4₹1,35050%₹2,700
Advanced Viral Marker Panel ELISA with MMR Immunity Profile IgG HIV I & II ELISA, HBSAg ELISA, HCV ELISA, and VDRL RPR, Mumps IgG, Measles IgG, and Rubella IgG 7₹2,35050%₹4,700
Advanced Viral Marker Panel ELISA with MMR Immunity Profile IgG and IgMHIV I & II ELISA, HBSAg ELISA, HCV ELISA, and VDRL RPR, Mumps IgG and IgM, Measles IgG and IgM, and Rubella IgG and IgM10₹3,30053%₹7,000
Details: Viral Markers Panels and Profiles: Jamshedpur (2024)
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(HIV I & II, HBSAg and HCV Rapid Tests)

(HIV I & II, HBSAg and HCV ELISA Tests)

More about Viral Marker Tests in Jamshedpur

Basic Information

A viral marker test can be a rapid screening test or an advanced diagnostic test that detects a certain viral infection through a blood tests. The three most common viral markers are Human Immunodeficiency Viruses 1 and 2 (HIV I & II) test, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAg) test, and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) test. Depending upon the purpose of the testing, your healthcare consultant may either suggest a rapid screening test or a quantitative diagnosis test.

Mostly in the case of a surgery or pregnancy, a rapid screening test may be adequate. However, if the screening test indicates positive result, you need to go through a quantitative diagnosis test to confirm the screening report and to evaluate the severity of the infection.

For a reported health issue, your doctor will ask you to go through a quantitative diagnostic test through ELISA method. In such a case, a rapid test can’t serve the purpose.

Viral Marker Tests in Jamshedpur: Where You Can Get?

In Jamshedpur, there are many pathology diagnostic centers that do viral marker tests for HIV, Hepatitis B ands Hepatitis C. But most of these labs do only the rapid screening tests, while few of well-known brand labs like Thyrocare or Agilus offers quantitative diagnostic tests for the same. Reputed brand labs also provide many advanced tests like Quantitative PCR or viral load tests for all these infections.

For report accuracy, you should choose a reputed brand lab with valid CAP and NABL accreditations. The report of a lab without adequate and valid accreditation may not be reliable.

Prices of Viral Marker Tests in Jamshedpur

Prices of viral marker tests in Jamshedpur varies from lab to lab. It also depends on the test methodology. From the following table, you can get an overall idea on minimum and maximum prices of different viral marker tests in your city.

Test NameMinimum PriceMaximum Price
HIV I & II Rapid Card Test₹190₹280
HIV I & II ELISA Test₹270₹450
HBSAg Rapid Test₹280₹400
HBSAg ELISA Test₹350₹500
HCV Rapid Test₹380₹500
HCV ELISA Test₹480₹1.250
VDRL Rapid Test₹99₹200
VDRL RPR₹138₹400
Viral Marker Test Prices in Jamshedpur (2024)

Antennal Profiles with Viral Markers ELISA in Jamshedpur

Antenatal Profile, ANC Profile, Pregnancy Profile Blood Test Price in Jamshedpur

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Reference Link:

  1. What is a Viral Marker Test?

    A viral marker is either a rapid screening or a advanced diagnostic blood test that can detect a viral infection to you.

  2. What is a viral Marker Panel of tests?

    A viral marker panel consists three or more tests to detect certain harmful viral infections. Most of viral marker panels have three tests in common. Those are tests for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infections.

  3. What is an ELISA viral marker test?

    ELISA stand for enzyme-linked immunoassay. It is one of the widely used and reliable method to detect the severity of a viral infection. Unlike the flowmetry immunoassay method, ELISA technique quantitative result to help better evaluating the infection stage.

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