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Diabetes Tests Specially Suggested by the FFD Program – 60% Off

Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) Panel of Blood and Urine Tests by Thyrocare Jamshedpur

Test Details for Diabetes Reversal Program in Jamshedpur

Test/Profile NameNumber of Parameters
Blood Sugar – Fasting and PP2
Hemogram – Complete28
Urine Routine and Microalbumin27
Iron Study4
Lipid Profile10
Fasting Insulin1
HS – C-Reactive Protein (HS-CRP)1
Vitamin D1
Vitamin B121
Kidney Function Test + eGFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) 8
Thyroid Function Tests – Ultrasensitive3
Liver Function Tests with GGT12
All the above plus complementary, Hormone Level, Chloride and Sodium Tests104
{Free from Diabetes (FFD) Blood Test Panel]

Flat 60% Discount – Now at ₹2,999

Blood Tests for FFD Program Beneficiaries in Jamshedpur

Freedom from Diabetes, a diabetes reversal program by Dr Pramod Tripathi, a holistic diabetic specialist, suggest a number of specialized blood tests before starting his treatment. Being specialized tests, the blood tests do not come under a routine health checkup package. Most of the tests are very expensive. But with a collaborative mode of making services affordable, we at Thyrocare Jamshedpur offer these tests with flat 50% discount. Additionally, we are also giving a few free tests with no cost for FFD program beneficiaries.

FFD Program Test Details

A complete full body checkup with crucial vitamin levels and comparative diabetes parameters comprises the main part of the prescription by Dr Pramod Tripathy.

The diabetic parts of the prescription covers HbA1c, average blood glucose for past 60 to 90 days, insulin level, urinary microalbumin, urine sugar, fasting plasma glucose, and postprandial glucose levels.

The vitamin level parameters include both Vitamin D and B12.

Other tests that Dr. Pramod Tripathi suggests are complete liver, lipid, kidney, thyroid and iron panel tests.

FFD Panel Test in Jamshedpur

Thyrocare Jamshedpur with branches at Sakchi, Kadma, and Mango offer the complete panel of blood tests for those undergoing treatment under the Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) program. The panel cover all the blood tests that Dr Pramod Tripathy prescribes.

Offer on FFD Panel Diabetic Full Body Checkup in Jamshedpur

The real cost of the blood tests in the FFD panel is ₹7,500. Thyrocare Jamshedpur offers flat 60% discount all all blood and urine test profiles to the members of Freedom from Diabetes organization. After the discount, the cost comes to ₹2,999. Along with this, Thyrocare offers free home collection within 6 KM distance from Thyrocare Sakchi.

Thyrocare’s FFD Panel – Info Sheet

Package/Profile Name:Freedom from Diabetes Panel
Also Known as:FFD Diabetic Profile, Advanced Diabetic Panel, Thyrocare’s Diabetic Panel for FFD
Number of Parameters:104
Offer Price:₹2,999
Discount Applied:Flat 60% Off on MRP ₹7,500
Sample Type:Blood and Urine
Sample Volume:5 ml blood and 15 ml urine
Pre-test PreparationA minimum of 10 hours of overnight fasting is necessary before giving the blood sample. You may take adequate plain water during the fasting hours.
Reporting TAT:48 hours
Testing Lab:Thyrocare
Service available at:Thyrocare Sakchi, Kadma, and Mango, Jamshedpur
Home Collection Service:Available
Home Collection Charge:Nil
Home collection Serviceable Area near:Sakchi, Kadma, Sonari, Bistupur, Mango, Adityapur, Jugsalai, Pardih, Dimna, Baridih, Bhalubasa, Baradwari, TELCO, Golmuri, Sitaram Dera, Uliyan, Kagal Nagar, CH Area, BH Area in Jamshedpur
Booking Option:WhatsApp at +91 88777 26781 to book
(FFD Panel Blood and Urine Tests by Thyrocare)

Add On Tests with the FFD Panel

For Type 1 diabetes, Dr. Pramod Tripathi suggest to add both fasting and postprandial C-peptide tests. For Type 2 diabetes, he may suggest to add Fructosamine, Blood Ketone, LP-PLA2, and Homocysteine tests. The offer price of these add-on tests in Jamshedpur for FFD organization members are as follows:

Test NameOffer Price for FFDMRP
C-Peptide (Fasting)₹7501100
C-Peptide (PP)₹7501100
Vitamin D3₹9502100
Blood Ketone (D3HB₹299450

Other Diabetic Test Profiles and Packages

Know Your FFD Panel and Offers

  1. What is an FFD Panel?

    An FFD Panel is a customized package of blood and urine tests as suggested by the Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) organization by Dr Pramod Tripathi. Dr Tripathy suggests a number of blood and urine tests to the FFD program members before he starts his treatment. The test reports guides the course of treatment.

  2. How much does the FFD panel of blood of urine tests cost?

    After flat 60% discount the panel of tests cost ₹2,999. This is a specially discounted price valid for the members of FFD program. This offer price also valid for a limited period only.

  3. Is this offer valid for any other city also?

    This offer is valid for Jamshedpur, East Singhbhum, Jharkhand only. This offer is not valid in any other cities.

  4. How can I avail the offer?

    Just WhatsApp your prescription to +91 88777 26781 to avail this offer.

  5. Can I avail free home collection for the FFD panel test in Jamshedpur?

    For a 6 KM distance from Thyrocare, Sakchi, home collection is completely free. For additional distance, there may be a nominal home collection charge.

Reference link: To know more on diabetes, click here.

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