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Frequently Asked Blood Tests


Offer Price ₹300 | MRP ₹450

(1262 booked in last 7 days)

Fasting Sugar

Offer Price ₹80 | MRP ₹80

(1206 booked in last 7 days)

PP Sugar

Offer Price ₹380 | MRP ₹80

(1187 booked in last 7 days)

Random Sugar

Offer Price ₹80 | MRP ₹80

(1131 booked in last 7 days)

TSH (Ultra Sensitive)

Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹250

(1125 booked in last 7 days)

Thyroid Profile

Offer Price ₹350 | MRP ₹450

(1103 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹100 | MRP ₹120

(1078 booked in last 7 days)

Calcium, Serum

Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹250

(1012 booked in last 7 days)

Serum Creatinine

Offer Price ₹190 | MRP ₹210

(996 booked in last 7 days)

C-reactive Protein (CRP)

Offer Price ₹470 | MRP ₹560

(982 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹490 | MRP ₹600

(971 booked in last 7 days)

Uric Acid, Serum

Offer Price ₹190 | MRP ₹200

(962 booked in last 7 days)

CBC (Hemogram)

Offer Price ₹2700 | MRP ₹330

(948 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹160 | MRP ₹1800

(942 booked in last 7 days)

Vitamin D (25 OH)

Offer Price ₹930 | MRP ₹1,150

(935 booked in last 7 days)

Vitamin B12

Offer Price ₹850 | MRP ₹1,000

(932 booked in last 7 days)

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

Offer Price ₹999 | MRP ₹1,999

(921 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹510 | MRP ₹650

(912 booked in last 7 days)

Potassium, Serum

Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹250

(908 booked in last 7 days)

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Offer Price ₹470 | MRP ₹550

(906 booked in last 7 days)

RA Factor

Offer Price ₹600 | MRP ₹750

(887 booked in last 7 days)

Total Cholesterol

Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹230

(873 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹750 | MRP ₹820

(858 booked in last 7 days)

Free T4 (FT4)

Offer Price ₹250 | MRP ₹300

(851 booked in last 7 days)

Beta HCG

Offer Price ₹750 | MRP ₹900

(843 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹250

(831 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹240

(814 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹200 | MRP ₹240

(813 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹1,420 | MRP ₹1,700

(794 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹1,910 | MRP ₹2,200

(776 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹580 | MRP ₹457500

(754 booked in last 7 days)


Offer Price ₹470 | MRP ₹5600

(732 booked in last 7 days)

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