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Thyrocare's Food Intolerance Profile is an unique pannel of tests that can effectively detect which food are good and which are bad for your health. It is an IgG-based food sensitivity test. The comprehensive report of this profile comes in three zone indicators: green, yellow and red. You should go happily with green zone foods, but you must avoid the foods in red zone. You can moderately take the food in the yellow zone list.
Why should you book Thyrocare's food intolerance/sensitivity profile test?
It is not only cost-effective, but also the price is very reasonable.
It help in improving health and life by avoiding those foods that can be harmfull to you.
Food Intolerance Profile Details
Profile Basics
This Immunoglobulin G (IgG) based food sensitivity panel of tests help you to know which types of food should be avoided to improve health and life condition. The test provides a comprehensive list of foods that can be harmful to you. The panel with 218 common food tests, measures the sensitivity of your immune system to different food items and create a fully automated chart of suggestions that you can easily comprehend. This test profile is recommended for both adult and children. The diagnosis aims at helping each individual to lead a happy and healthy life.
Offer Price ₹7,399 | MRP: ₹14,800 (50% Off)
Fasting/Preparation: Not Required | Sample Type: Blood/Serum
Total Parameters: 218 |
Test Details
DAIRY (10)
Egg White Casein Sheep Milk Goat Milk Egg Yolk Buffalo Milk Alpha-Lactalbumin Cows Milk Beta-Lactoglobulin
FISH (38)
Alga Espaguette Alga Spirulina Anchovy Bass Carp Caviar Clam Cockle Cod Crab Cuttlefish Dorado Sea Bream Eel Haddock Hake Herring Lobster Mackerel Barnacle Monkfish MusseNeed Help l Octopus Oyster Perch Pike Plaice Razor Clam Salmon Sardine Scallop Sole Squid Swordfish Trout Tuna Turbot Winkle Alga Wakame
Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blackberry Blackcurrant Blueberry Cherry Cranberry Date Fig Grape Grapefruit Guava Kiwi Lemon Lime Lychee Mango Melon (Honeydew) Mulberry Nectarine Olive Orange Papaya Peach Pear Pineapple Plum Pomegranate Raisin Raspberry Redcurrant Rhubarb Strawberry Tangerine Tomato Watermelon
MEAT (16)
Beef Billy Goat Chiken Duck Horse Lamb Ostrich Box Patridge Pork Quail Rabbit Turkey Veal Venison Wild Boar
Buckwheat Couscous Durum Wheat Flax Seed Millet Oat Polenta Quinoa Rice Rye Flour Spelt Transglutaminase Wheat Bran Barley Corn (Maize) Gliadin Malt Wheat
NUTS (11)
Almond Cashew Nut Brazil Nut Cocount Hazelnut Macadamia Nut Peanut Pine Nut Pistachio Tiger Nut Walnut
Amaranth Artichoke Asparagus Aubergine Bean (Broad) Bean (Green) Bean (Red Kidney) Bean (White Haricot) Beetroot Broccoli Brussel Sprout Cabbage Cabbage (Red) Caper Carrot Cauliflower Celery Chard Chickpea Chicory Cucumber Fennel (Leaf) Gourd (Squash) Leek Lentil Lettuce Marrow Onion Pea Potato Radish Rocket Shallot Soybean Spinach Sweet Potato Turnip Watercress Yuca
Aniseed Basil Bay Leaf Camomile Cayenne Cinnamon Clove Coriander Leaf Cumin Dill Garlic Ginger Aloe Vera Ginkgo Ginseng Hops Liquorice Marjoram Mint Mustard Seed Nettle Nutmeg Parsley Peppermint Red Chilli Rosemary Saffron Sage Tarragon Thyme Vanilla
Agar Agar Cane Sugar Carob Chestnut Cocoa Bean Coffee Cola Nut Honey Mushroom Rapeseed Sesame Seed Sunflower Seed Tapioca Tea (Black) Tea (Green) Yeast (Baker's) Yeast (Brewer's)
Food Intolerance IgG
How to Get Tested for Food Intolerance?
- WhatsApp or call us at +91 88777 26781
- Provide the required information to our Order Booking Executive.
- Once successfully booked, we will forward the booking details to Thyrocare for order processing.
- One of the Thyrocare Support Executives will coordinate with you for the smooth processing of sample collection.
- The assigned technician will visit your home/office to collect the sample as you prefer.
- He will send the sample to the Thyrocare lab for the test.
- You will receive the report by email within 48 to 72 hours of sample collection.
- You can also get the report over WhatsApp if you ask us for the same
- If you require an additional hard copy by paying ₹75 extra as a courier charge, you will receive the hard copy within three to four days of receiving the soft copy report.
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Sample Pickup from Home/Office
Online Reports within 48 hrs
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Know More about Food Intolerance Profile
The Food Intolerance or Sensitivity profile is a unique blood test profile that can give adequate insight into how your body responds to some foods. Each human has a unique bio feature and everyone’s body responds differently to different types of food. You may be unaware that a certain food may cause harm to you even if it’s nutritious and delicious. The food intolerance panel tests can help you recognize that particular food.
As biochemistry varies from person to person, food tolerance or intolerance largely varies. Depending upon your biochemistry, a certain food can be very harmful to you or not. Through an IgG-based intolerance test, you can know your body’s tolerance to arrays of foods. These are the reasons that food intolerance biomarker blood tests are gaining more popularity.
A Few Health Problems Due to Food Intolerance
Food intolerance or sensitivity can lead to:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Infertility
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Obesity
- Migraine
- Asthma
- Celiac Disease
- Autism
- Skin Disorders
How can the Food Intolerance Panel tests help you?
A food intolerance test can help you to make informed decisions on which food to take and which food to avoid.
The results of the tests will come in three distinct categories:
- Elevated (Red) – You should avoid these foods.
- Borderline (Yellow) – You can take these foods moderately.
- Normal (Green) – All these foods are great for you, take happily.
You can refer to the below dummy report before going for the tests.
Food Intolerance Vs. Food Allergy
Note that a Food Intolerance Test is NOT a Food Allergy Test.
- A food allergy test finds out how your immune systems react to a food you take. However, a food intolerance test measures your body’s tolerance to a certain food. Food intolerance is more harmful than food allergy.
- Food intolerance is an unusual immune reaction of the IgG antibodies, while food allergy involves some immune reactions to the IgE antibodies against a specific food
- A food intolerance or sensitivity can not be inherited. On the other hand, a food allergy can be an inherited reaction.
- Food intolerance is a delayed reaction, while allergy happens instantly.
Looking for A Food Allergy Test? Find it HERE
Tests Included in a Food Intolerance Profie
Other Relevant Health Checkup Profiles
- Allergy Panels
- Fully Advanced Full Body Checkup Package
- Master Full Body Checkup
- Comprehensive Full Body Checkup
- Gut Metabolism Panel
- Women’s Advanced Full Body Checkup
- Men’s Advanced Full Body Checkup
- Arrogyam Couple Offer – Executive Health Checkup
- Functional Medicine Healthcare Packages
- QUA Nutrition Blood Test Panels
- YellowSquash Suggested Autistic Comprehensive Blood Tests
- Female Hormonal Panel Blood Tests
- Heavy Metals and Toxic Element Blood Testing
- Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) Blood Test Panels
1. What is a Food Intolerance Profile?
A food intolerance profile is a blood test profile that can effectively detect whether your body is intolerant to certain foods. The tests can give personalized results.
2. Is Food Intolerance and Food Allergy are the same?
No, they are different. In the case of Food Intolerance, your metabolic system responds to the unique foods you take. It may create many health issues. On the other hand, a food allergy happens when your immune system reacts to certain types of foods you take.
Furthermore, a food intolerance testing is IgG-based, while the food allergy tests are IgA-based.
3. Which type of sample is needed for a food intolerance test?
For this test, you need to give blood sample only.
4. Do I need to visit a Thyrocare lab for the test?
There is no necessary to visit a lab. You will get Free home collection service.
5. Do I need to pay in advance?
No, you don't need to pay in advance. You can pay during the time of sample collection.
6. Can I pay after I get the report?
Extremely sorry. Your sample can't be proceeded at the lab before generating payment receipt.
Food Intolerance Panel Test Report: The Next Step
Once you go through a Food Intolerance IgG panel blood test, you will get the report in around 72 hours.
The report will provide information regarding your immune system’s response to certain foods, spices, herbs, and condiments.
Depending on which test(s) you ordered, antibody type IgG will be measured using a fusion technology of the most advanced MicroArray with the time-tested Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay or ELISA.
In understanding your report, it is helpful to have some background information on what is defined as Adverse Reactions to Foods.
Under this broad category, we have reactions involving the body’s immune system, called immune-mediated reactions or allergies, and non-immune-mediated reactions or food intolerances. Food intolerances or sensitivities are many.
A common example is the inability to digest milk sugar, and lactose, known as lactose intolerance. Other types of intolerances include reactions to various food additives.
The result shows whether you have developed IgG antibodies to the foodstuffs tested. It is possible in this way to state whether you have a type III food allergy or not.
Such a reaction is preceded by an affection of the intestine. This means that the intestine has become permeable and that components of foods can penetrate it the wrong way.
Thus, it is only possible to show many different reactions or to show no reaction at all. It is therefore rare that the persons affected only react to a single foodstuff.
Your practitioner may want you to follow a different but similar diet guideline. Please speak with your practitioner about the specific foods he/she would like you to avoid and/or rotate. You can alter your personalized diet accordingly.
These suggestions do not constitute or replace professional medical advice.
You should discuss all dietary changes with your healthcare practitioner before undergoing them, and immediately consult your practitioner if you experience weight loss or other health-related concerns.
The first few days of your new diet may be challenging, and a portion of people eliminating their reactive foods may experience symptoms similar to withdrawal, such as headaches and food cravings. If this occurs, contact your practitioner. The symptoms may be due to food elimination or may be due to something else.
By being tested through the Food Intolerance or Sensitivity Panel by Thyrocare, You have already achieved your first step towards a larger goal in health by pursuing food sensitivity testing. Be kind to yourself and take this path in health one rotation day at a time.