Up to 45% off on Antibody IgG, IgM, and Total Tests. Pay the less and get the more. Get tested at your home. Book Online.

Home Service

NABL, CAP, ISO Certified Lab

Lowest Price assured
Four diffrent types of Covid19 antibody tests. Three diffrent technologies. Six diffrent packages. Choose one that you need after an infection or a vaccination. Know your immune response to be better assured.
Immunity matters, and it matters much during this critical time!

Preparation: Not Required
Fasting: Not Required

Prescription: Not Required
Sample Type: Blood
Covid Antibody IgG – C.L.I.A

At least 14 days after an infection, you may go through this test to know whether your body has produced adequate IgG antibodies to make your immunity strong.
Covid Antibody 1
Covid Antibody IgG – C.L.I.A
Covid Antibody IgG and Total

Two different parameters of antibody tests with two different technologies can give you a better assurance of immunity development after an infection or vaccination.
Covid Antibody IgG and Total (2)
Covid Antibody IgG – ELISA Covid Antibody Total – ELISA
Covid Antibody IgG, IgM and Total

Mostly Booked Package
Whether the vaccination has worked on you? Whether all three types of antibody has been well developed in your body to fight against the deadly virus? Go through this highly demanded package to know your immune response status.Covid Antibody IgG and Total (3)
Covid Antibody IgG – ELISA Covid Antibody IgM – ELISA Covid Antibody Total – ELISA
Covid Antibody IgG, IgM, and Total Plus

Be assured with more antibody tests. Different parameters tested with two different technology can tell more about your immunity against the invisible enemy.
Covid Antibody IgG and Total (4)
Covid Antibody IgG – C.L.I.A Covid Antibody IgG – ELISA Covid Antibody IgM – ELISA Covid Antibody Total – ELISA
Covid Antibody Advanced

This package brings together the strength of CLIA and ELISA to test CAntibody IgG, IgM, and Total. Go through this package if you want to be most assured.
Covid Antibody Advanced (5)
Covid Antibody IgG – C.L.I.A Covid Antibody IgG – ELISA Covid Antibody-Total – (CLIA) Covid Antibody IgM – ELISA Covid Antibody Total – ELISA
Covid Antibody Master

Be fully assured with both quantitative and semi-quantitative tests. Three IgG tests, one IgM test, and two Total tests for Covid antibodies in a single package. More parameters can assure better to go out for work during this difficult time.
Covid Antibody Master Package (6)
Covid Antibody IgG – (QUANTITATIVE) Covid Antibody IgG – C.L.I.A Covid Antibody IgG – ELISA Covid Antibody-Total – (CLIA) Covid Antibody IgM – ELISA Covid Antibody Total – ELISA
About Covid Antibody Tests by Thyrocare
Thyrocare offers tests for all three types of known antibodies that can fight against the Corona Virus. In addition, there are three different methodologies used to do accurately detect the antibodies.
All the antibody tests are for Sero surveillance purposes only. Not for any diagnostic purpose.
The kits, technologies, and methodologies used by Thyrocare are approved by ICMR and widely used worldwide.
Being a NABL, CAP, and ISO certified lab, Thyrocare assures the accuracy of the report.
What is a Covid Antibody Test?
A Covid Antibody test is a serology test to detect the type and amount of antibodies that can fight against the Novel Corona Virus. Antibodies are proteins created by your body after an infection or vaccination1.
Which test package I should choose?
Choosing a Covid Antibody test package depends upon your purpose behind the test. While to know whether you had encountered the deadly virus or not, an IgG test may be required. However, two to three weeks after a known infection, both IgG and Total tests are recommended. Two to three weeks after2 two complete doses of vaccination, you should go through IgG, IgM, and Total Antibody tests. It will better assure you.
Who should go for an Covid Antibody test?
If you think that you had come in contact with the deadly virus, or you have fully recovered from a Covid infection, or it has been two weeks of full doses of vaccination, you can go through antibody tests.3
Which type of sample is required for the test?
1 ml of blood plasma is required for a Covid Antibody test.4
When to get a Covid Antibody test?
At least 14 days after the vaccination or known infection, you can go through an antibody test.5
When will I get the test report?
Within 24 to 48 hours of sample collection, you will get the report over email. If you opt for an additional hard copy by courier by paying an extra Rs. 75, you will get it within two or three days of receiving the soft copy of the report.
How can I book a Covid Antibody Test profile?
Just select a package and click on the 'Book Now' button. You will be redirected to the booking form. Fill up the required details and click on the 'Submit' button. One of our or Thyrocare executives will contact you to fix the appointment. Depending upon the slot availability in your location, you will get serviced at your home within 48 of order booking.
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/testing/serology-overview.html
- https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/covid-vaccination-voluntary-antibodies-develop-2-weeks-after-second-dose-aiims-director/article33504935.ece
- https://www.webmd.com/lung/antibody-testing-covid-19#2-6
- https://stanfordhealthcare.org/health-care-professionals/covid-19-test/covid-19-serology-testing.html
- https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/covid-vaccination-voluntary-antibodies-develop-2-weeks-after-second-dose-aiims-director/article33504935.ece