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Health Checkup Packages for Women in Jamshedpur

Top full body checkup packeges for Women in Jamshedpur - 2024

Full Body Checkup for Women (Jamshedpur, Jharkhand): Package Details

Package NameParametersNo. of TestsOffer Price
in INR
Discount Applied on MRP
Women’s Full Body Checkup LiteLFT with GGT, KFT with Calcium and eGFR, TFT Ultrasensitive, Complete Lipid Profile, HbA1c, Three Months’ Average Blood Glucose Level, Fasting Sugar, CBC (Complete Hemogram)6194844% on 1725
Women’s Full Body Checkup BasicAll the tests and Profile of Women’s Full Body Checkup Lite + Essential Female Hormones (LH, FSH, and PRL)64139844% on 2500
Women’s Full Body Checkup ProAll the tests and Profile of Women’s Full Body Checkup Basic + Female Wellbeing (E2), Crucial Female Vitamin Levels (Vitamin B9//Folate/Folic Acid), Vitamin B12, Vitamin D Total, Four Parameters Iron Deficiency Study, Complete Urine Analysis with Routine, Microscopic and Urinary Tract Infection Examination 99199850% on 4000
Women’s Full Body Checkup PlusAll the tests and Profile of Women’s Full Body Checkup Pro + Complete Cardiac Risk markers Profile (including High Sensitive CRP, Lipoprotein A, Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein B, APO A1/B Ratio), Arthritis Profile (ANA and Anti CCP)106231058% on 5500
Women’s Full Body Checkup Advance PlusAll the tests and Profile of Women’s Full Body Checkup Plus+ Female Ovarian Cancer Markers (Ca 125 and CEA), Metabolic Disorder Test (Serum Magnesium), Essential Electrolyte Balance (Sodium and Chloride), Bone Health Essential beyond Vitamin D and Calcium (Serum Phosphorous), Infectious Diseases (HCV and HBSAg) 113299061% on 8000
Best Advanced Female Health Checkup Packages in Jamshedpur

Details About Health Checkup Packages for Women in Jamshedpur


The top full body health checkup packages for women are available with Thyrocare Aarogyam Centers at Sakchi, Kadma and Mango in Jamshedpur. These packages cover well curated and carefully chosen blood and urine tests to assist women in the age group 16 to 65 to monitor the following aspects:

  • Reproductive health,
  • Overall wellbeing, and
  • Both pre menopausal and post menopausal health issues.

How to Avail?

All the blood and urine test packages for women come with Free Home Collection within 6 KM distance from Thyrocare Sakchi, For other nearby area of Jamshedpur, or suburbs around the main city Jamshedpur, their may be Rs 100 to Rs 200 collection charge. To save additional collection charge on distance basis, you can directly visit a nearby center. Thyrocare has Good Quality Centers (GQC) at Sakchi, Kadma and Mango in Jamshedpur. The beneficiaries visiting any of the mentioned location can get hassle-free and quick service on booking appointment over WhatsApp.

The Complete Woman Full Body Health Checkup Packages are available through both online and offline bookings. The same can also be available through direct welkin to any of of the Thyrocare location nearest to you.

In Jamshedpur, you can avail the women’s full body checkup packages at very low cost. It’s due our mission of creating social consciousness about the priority of women’s health.

Why Female Health Checkup Packages?

The packages covers multiple markers. Each marker is tested through high or ultra sensitive technology. Such technologies ensure utmost accuracy and robust report.

Additionally, the tests in each package for Woman Full Body Checkup in Jamshedpur are carefully curated by a panel of experts. So it meet the minimal criteria of incorporating each essential and crucial test to screen and diagnose most common health issues among women

Most importantly, markers for cancer, hormonal imbalance and anemia can render better result toward complete diagnosis of all women health issues.

Best of Health Checkup Packages for Women in Jamshedpur

Thyrocare Aarogyam Centers in Jamshedpur, at Sakchi Main Market, Kadma Main Road and New Purulia (Pardih) Main Road Mango offer excellent services in health related blood tests for girls and women. Thyrocare Jamshedpur recently launched five executive packages for women’s wellbeing diagnosis. The packages are carefully curated by highly qualified and experienced gynecologists. .

Most importantly, Full Body Checkup Pro for women is a unique package of blood and urine tests. Along with essential hormone and hormonal imbalance tests, very crucial anemia studies are also in the package. Due to the incorporation of folate, iron and calcium levels, it qualifies to be one of the best health packages for women in Jamshedpur.

Another top package in this category is Aarogyam Female Plus. Besides all the blood and urine test profiles of the above package, this one also covers cardiac risk markers and arthritis health checkups. So it’s a platinum standard health checkup package for women.

Besides, there is a complete woman health checkup package. In addition to all tests of above packages, this one covers crucial biomarkers for cancer, viral infection, kidney diseases, and fluid imbalance.

Over all, Women’s Full Body Health Checkup Packages by Thyrocare Jamshedpur serve a lot of purposes. These packages assure essential health checkup for women in the industrial city, Jamshedpur. Also those are easily available

FAQs on Female Full Body Checkup Packages Near You in Jamshedpur

Her her matters a lot! If she is healthy, the entire family can be healthy. Hence a 360 degree care for her health is crucial.

For the first time in Jamshedpur, Thyrocare introduces a ranges of health screening and diagnosis packages for women of all age group. You may have many queries regarding the same.

Here are answers to few queries that you may have regarding blood and urine test panels for women.

  1. What is a full body health checkup package for women?

    A full body health checkup package for women is a package of multiple panels that is specially curated by health experts like a gynecologist  or a an obstetrician. Such a package covers many screening and diagnostic tests that can effectively evaluate her overall health condition and wellbeing.

  2. In Jamshedpur, where can I get a complete blood test package for women?

    In Jamshedpur, a few of well established labs like Thyrocare or Agilus offers extensive ranges of full body blood test panels for women.

  3. Is Free Home Collection service available for women’s full body health checkup packages in Jamshedpur?

    Within 6 KM radius from Sakchi Main in Jamshedpur, home collection is completely free for all health check up packages including those for female. However in outer areas like Parsudih, Sudar Nagar, Kopali, Brahmanand, NH33, Sundar Nagar, Kharanghar, Birsanagar, Baridih Basti, Tube Colony, Gamharia, Tamulia, Kandra, etc. a nominal home collection charge is applicable.

  4. Which are the crucial tests in a health checkup package for women?

    LH. FSH, PRL, E2, Folate, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Transferrin Saturation, TIBC, Magnesium, CA 125, CEA, Anti CCP, and HbSAg are few of most important parameters in a complete health checkup package for women

  5. Do all Health Checkup Packages for Women available in Jamshedpur covers all essential parameters for her wellbeing?

    No, not each package of full body checkup available online or offline covers all essential; diagnostic parameters required to diagnose a woman’s wellbeing. There are only a few carefully designed packages with Thyrocare Jamshedpur that comprise all essential parameters that diagnose her well being.

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